Day: March 9, 2011

Handle Dependency in NServiceBus

I was using poor-man’s injection in NServiceBus until this morning I figured out how to handle dependency in NServiceBus. It’s easy, but I never got chance or brave enough to try it out

NServiceBus uses SpringBuilder as default. I want to stick with StructureMap.

Here is official doc for how to wire StructureMap up with NServiceBus:

    // Default
//    public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Server
//    {
//    }
    public class EndpointConfigUsingStructuremap : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Server, IWantCustomInitialization
        #region IWantCustomInitialization Members

        public void Init()
                .StructureMapBuilder(new Container(new DependencyRegistry()))

            // you can leave the rest of the config off since "AsA_Server" handles it


    public class DependencyRegistry : Registry
        public DependencyRegistry()
            // Manually set
//            For<IFileService>().Use<FileService>();

            // Or auto scan
            Scan(x =>



 public class DbChangeHandler : IMessageHandler<DatabaseChangedCommand>
        private readonly IFileService _fileService;

        public DbChangeHandler(IFileService fileService)
            _fileService = fileService;

        public void Handle(DatabaseChangedCommand message)
// My old syntax, poor-man/static injection.
//            FileService.TouchFile(message.DatabaseName, path);
            _fileService.TouchFile(message.DatabaseName, path);


Another team from our company is using Ninject which is not in the out-of-box container list supported by NServiceBus (yet) , google found a solution by Aaron Jenson, I will get there soon.

Updated on Mar. 11, 2011:

This code from works in Ninject 2.2 and NServiceBus 2.

public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Server, IWantCustomInitialization
        #region IWantCustomInitialization Members

        public void Init()
                .Log4Net<ConsoleAppender>(x => { x.Threshold = Level.Info; }
                ).Log4Net<FileAppender>(x =>
                    x.File = "build_trigger_log.txt";
                    x.Threshold = Level.Info;

            // you can leave the rest of the config off since "AsA_Server" handles it


internal class CustomModule : NinjectModule
        public override void Load()

// NinjectObjectBuilder is from
    public static class ConfigureNinjectBuilder
        public static Configure NinjectBuilder(this Configure config)
            ConfigureCommon.With(config, new NinjectObjectBuilder(new StandardKernel(new CustomModule())));
            return config;


  1. If using NServiceBus Testing framework, constructor inject might not work, should use setter inject instead.
  2. When using autobinding in Ninject, there is a conflict in IMessageSerliazer class, my quick workaround is providing the sample type instead of ScanAssemblyMatch(‘*”), or use Scan WithoutNamespaceOf(“NServiceBus”) to allow NSB use it’s own autobinding on Msmq stuff.
  3. NSB supports both ctor injection and setter injection, but NSB.Testing framework need a default no-arg ctor, so setter injection is the only choice if using NSB.Testing.

    public class DbChangeHandlerTest
        public void Setup()
            mockFileService = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IFileService>();


            systemUnderTest = Test.Handler<DbChangeHandler>()
                .WithExternalDependencies(h => h.file_service = mockFileService);

        IFileService mockFileService;
        Handler<DbChangeHandler> systemUnderTest;

        public void should_call_file_service_to_touch_file()
                .OnMessage<DatabaseChangedCommand>(m => m.DatabaseName = "");

            mockFileService.AssertWasCalled(x => x.TouchFile("", ""), opt => opt.IgnoreArguments());

        public void should_response_to_database_changed_command()
                .OnMessage<DatabaseChangedCommand>(m => m.DatabaseName = "");

        public void should_return_error_code_zero()
                .ExpectReturn(errCode => errCode == 0)
                .OnMessage<DatabaseChangedCommand>(m => m.DatabaseName = "");